Category NEWS

How does overheat affect the consistency of coffee?

Heat generates when burr begin to spin

Do you care about the change in the 3℃ water temperature in the espresso machine? If so, you should also watch the temperature change of ground coffee. The relationship between the temperature of coffee powder and coffee quality is often overlooked.…


38mm coffee grinder burr; 180mm grinder burr

Grinder burrs come in a range of different sizes. This measurement is usually given in millimetres (mm) as the diameter of the grinder’s outer (larger) burr.  Electric home grinder burrs typically start at around 38mm, while commercial models begin around…

Conical Burr or Flat Burr: Which is best?

coffee grinder burr conical; coffee grinder manual conical burr

The answer is: it depends. There are two main burr shapes: flat and conical. The debate over which is “better” continues to this day. There is a slight difference in how the two types work, but in general, the results are similar. …

Is bigger the burr, the better of it?

coffee filter holder tesco,coffee machine

Regardless of which form of burrs, each burr contains: 1. Broken area: the coffee beans are crushed at the initial steps to facilitate entering the coarse grinding area. The spacing of each grinding groove in the crushing area is relatively…

Coffee Talk

Processing of coffee beans; Moderate roasting; three degree of roasting

I love drinking coffee because of its rich aroma and smooth taste. First of all, the process of making a cup of coffee is an art in itself. The beans are carefully selected, roasted to perfection, and ground with precision,…

Processing of coffee beans

Processing of coffee beans; Moderate roasting; three degree of roasting

Roasted coffee beans Removing the peel. Use machine, human hands, or other means to remove the peel with most pulp. Fermentation. Mucus and film outside the core can be removed by fermenting. Because the duration of fermentation will affect the…

How do beginners learn to make coffee

beginners learning to make coffee; basic knowledge of coffee; constantly practice of making coffee

For beginners, learning to make coffee can be started from the following aspects: Understand the fundamentals of coffee: Familiar with the types and characteristics of coffee beans, such as Arabica beans and Robsta beans. Understand the roasting process of coffee…

The main ingredient of coffee

The main ingredient of coffee

Caffeine: It has a particularly strong bitter taste that stimulates the central nervous system, heart and respiratory systems. Moderate amounts of caffeine can also reduce muscle fatigue and promote the secretion of digestive juice. Because it promotes kidney function, it…

The origin of the coffee

The origin of the coffee,coffee map

The origin of the coffee is no longer verifiable. One of the many legends refers to the origin of coffee in the plateau region of Kaffa province in southwest Ethiopia, which is said to have been discovered more than 1,000…