Coffee Knowledge: Can cold coffee be reheated?

When discussing the quality and taste of coffee, temperature is a factor that cannot be ignored. The reheating of cold coffee has long been a controversial topic for both professional baristas and casual coffee lovers.

The scientific principle of heating

Coffee contains a lot of volatile compounds that give the coffee a unique aroma and flavor. Among them, chlorogenic acid is an important component, but it decomposes into other compounds, such as caffeic acid and quinic acid, during heating or cooling. Reheating the coffee may cause the decomposition of chlorogenic acid, thereby releasing more caffeic acid and quinic acid, increasing the bitterness of the coffee.

Influence factor

  1. Heating method: Microwave oven is a common way to reheat, because it can heat the whole liquid more evenly. However, microwave heating may cause some compounds in coffee to be overheated or decomposed, increasing the perception of bitter taste.
  2. Coffee quality: High-quality coffee usually has a strong, complex and stable aroma. Reheating such a coffee may make the difference from the freshly brewed flavor even more pronounced.
  3. Heating time and temperature: Rapid heating can reduce the lost aroma of coffee, but make sure not to make the temperature too high to avoid the loss of more volatile compounds.

Cold coffee can be heated

But reheating may affect its taste and flavor. Coffee contains volatile compounds that are responsible for giving coffee a unique aroma and flavor. When the coffee is heated, especially by microwave heating, some of these volatile compounds may be overheated or decomposed, causing the coffee to become more bitter. In addition, the acidity and sweetness in the cooled coffee may also be reduced, which may increase the perception of the bitter taste. Therefore, although cold coffee can be heated, it is best to avoid reheating, so as not to affect the taste and quality of the coffee. If reheating is necessary, try a mild heating method and control the heating time and temperature to minimize adverse effects. Most importantly, keeping the coffee fresh and drinking it as quickly as possible maximizes the original flavor and aroma.


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